15th February 2024

What It Means To Think Global

and Shop Local

What It Means To Think Global and Shop Local

According to studies, Low Battery Anxiety is a feeling of panic and stress that sets in when your phone’s battery is about to die. At such times, we alter our lives to function on our phones’ terms rather than our own. We change plans, make pit-stops at places we know will have chargers and do just about everything we can to help our phones get back on their feet.

Just like our phones, our planet too is quickly being drained of resources. And unfortunately, this is the kind of problem that can’t just be fixed with the flick of a switch. But despite the stakes being much much higher, the fate of our planet is something that is largely ignored in our everyday lives.

We don’t have to be perfect environmentalists, and give up all worldly pleasures to make a difference. However, each of us needs to alter our lifestyles and thinking patterns in some small way, to help our planet (and ourselves!). It is when these new, sustainable thinking patterns become commonplace and instinctive that we will be able to make the biggest impact.

Think Global, Shop Local is a mindset that encourages consumers, and businesses to do precisely that. This mindset is gaining popularity in the food and beverage community, and is an important part of the Sustainable Food Movement.

What is “Think Global. Shop Local”?

Simply put, Think Global, Shop Local means shopping from local vendors, stores and suppliers in order to minimize the negative global environmental impact. By choosing to shop from local suppliers, we can reduce the carbon footprint and contribute to the preservation and wellbeing of the planet. Fewer imports make for less negative impacts of transportation from long distances, with lower gas emissions and it also means your food is grown close to home making it much fresher, and tastier.

It also impacts the nutritional value of the food. A study conducted by Penn State food scientists showed that Spinach loses much of it’s nutrient compounds after eight days of being picked.

“If the spinach is coming from the other side of the country, then the produce might be kept at a warm temperature in a shipping truck for an extended period of time. By the time the spinach reaches the dinner table, much of the nutrient content might already be gone” noted the Penn State researcher.

When produce is shipped across long distances, factors such as air quality, artificial lighting and temperature changes during transport can lower foods’ nutritional value. Not to mention, shopping locally also helps boost the local economy. Studies have shown that shopping from local businesses generates $68 of economic contribution for every $100 spent. However, spending the same amount at a non-local business (like a big-box retail/national chain) only generates $43.

Small businesses create stability in the community by hiring workers locally, they also help cultivate meaningful long-term relationships with customers. A small business owner is also likely to support other local vendors themselves.

On the whole, small businesses are known to conduct their business in a way that benefits the community they live in and care more about the impact they make on the society and environment than large corporations. Money does most good when it is kept local, and shopping local whenever possible is a great way to help your community grow and protect the planet.

How The Nommers is empowering Indian Home Chefs to Think Global and Shop Local.

When it comes to the Home Chef community in India, there is a wide variety of food across cultures and cuisines being prepared, and naturally this requires a myriad of different ingredients. Sourcing the materials for these mouth-watering concoctions is always a challenge for home chefs who might not be trained in sourcing and supply chain management of local vendors.

Even the more socially conscious home chefs who have every intention of supporting local stores and vendors often find themselves having to rely on larger suppliers and retail chains due to the convenience and variety they offer or because of lack of knowledge on how to manage and go about the alternative.

We, at the Nommers, are helping close this gap by connecting Home Chefs with local vendors. This means easy access to supplies the Home Chef needs to make their magic, and a steady stream of hungry customers for the vendors.

TasteMaker, Meet Sourcerer!.

This connection between Tastemakers and Sorcerers is mutually beneficial and aids local vendors helping them remain up-to-speed in the Digital age. The Nommers team assists them with logistics, packaging and orders in addition to providing them with new customers in the form of our TasteMakers. With a hungry community of food-enthusiasts, eager to look out for each other - the buyers (customers) and home chefs are the kind of socially conscious individuals who would love to support local vendors, and with the ease and the convenience of doing so with The Nommers platform, they have no reason not to!

If you are a Sourcerer interested in sharing what you have to offer with a wider audience, the Nomsterverse is the perfect place for you! Get in touch with us at for more information. :)

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